
In this area you can download (sometimes for free) some of my ebooks. Please enjoy!
Here you will find some interesting thoughts, or hints on Court Interpreting, namely: ethical issues; language and register to use.
Court Interpreting
Download for free the audio files of the ebook English for Web Marketing.
Audiobook " Business Letters".
Ebook "Socializing": download a free ebook on English for beginners.

This ebook may be used by teachers in courses for beginners!
Table of Content of “Legal English: diritto societario comparato e finanziario” (Legal English: comparative company law and finance law), Giuffrè-Lefebvre 2020
Table of content of “Guida agli strumenti per la traduzione giuridica” (Legal translation tools: offline corpora), Filodiritto 2019
Table of content of “Inglese Giuridico, Web e Corpora” (Legal English, the Web and Corpora), Giuffrè 2018 (go to "Allegati")
List of content of “Academic English”, De Agostini UTET 2017 (click on "Indice")
List of content of “Legal English” (second edition), Giuffrè 2017
List of content of “Legal English” (first edition), Giuffrè 2015
Excerpt from “Business English”, Zanichelli 2013
Ebook "A Handbook of International Commerce".
Ebook "A Tradurre il Testo Divulgativo con Risorse Online". (Translating Informative Texts with Online Resources)
Ebook "English in Law (Advanced) - A Compendium of Legal English for Advanced and Proficiency Students".
Ebook "English in Law - A Compendium of Legal English for Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper-intermediate Students".
Ebook "Frasario del Turpiloquio Cinematografico (Italiano>Inglese)" (Foul Language in Audiovisual Translation) .
Ebook "A Guide to Summaries in Business, Economics and Law".
Ebook "Traduzioni Legali di Documenti e Certificati di Persone Giuridiche" (Legal Translation of Legal Persons' Documents and Certificates) .
Ebook "Il Mestiere del Traduttore - una guida per i neofiti" (A Translator's Profession: a guide for beginners)
Ebook "Trend Analysis: descrivere andamenti economico-finanziari in lingua inglese" (Trend Analysis: describing economic and financial trends)
Ebook "Parlare al Telefono in lingua inglese" (Telephoning in English)
Ebook "Public speaking: parlare in lingua inglese di fronte ad altre persone"(Public Speaking: speaking English in front of an audience)
Ebook "Bandi internazionali per architetti, geometri e urbanisti: partecipare in lingua inglese" (Participating in international tenders: a handbook for architects, surveyors and town planners)
FREE Ebook for Architects "Inglese per Architetti: esercizi audio/video".

Here are the Answer keys
Ebook "English Grammar, the way I like it! (VOL. 1)", and

Ebook "English Grammar, the way I like it! (VOL. 2)": download my free ebooks on English grammar for Italian secondary school students.

Ebook "English Grammar, the way I like it! (VOL. 3-Advanced)": download this free ebook on advanced grammar for Italian students.

Download the Answer Keys to the first volume, the Answer Keys to the second volume, and the Answer Keys to the third volume.
Ebook "English for Job Applications".
Ebook "Survival English: Inglese turistico-culturale di livello intermedio" (English for Tourists)
Ebook "L'Inglese giuridico nell'europrogettazione" (Legal English in European Projects)
Ebook " La corrispondenza nell'europrogettazione: comunicare in inglese con i partner di progetto e con l'autorità preposta" (Communicating with the project partners and with the relevant authorities in European Projects)
Ebook: "L’inglese europeo nel settore llp: glossario di sinonimi, verbi e frasi nel settore dell'apprendimento permanente" (Glossary of terms in EU LLP)
Ebook: "L'inglese nella rendicontazione dei progetti europei: guida alla comprensione del manuale finanziario dell'europrogettazione" (A handbook in European Project Budgeting)
Here I propose you some crosswords (with solutions) on Legal English.
Buon lavoro!

Cruciverba contratto fornitura Cruciverba inglese giuridico

... Don't forget the solution for the First crossword and
the Second crossword!

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